Most pharmaceutical manufacturers in Canada invest a great deal of time and resources developing Marketing Plans for products they plan to launch in the next 2 - 5 years. However, many companies fail to include Market Access Strategies in their planning processes. It is important to understand that the marketplace at time of launch may differ significantly from what it is today. The Consultants at The JBL Group have a great deal of experience in forecasting change in the marketplace and in developing Market Access Strategic Plans to assist our clients with Pricing and Reimbursement Strategies. We can also support clients during the implementation phase of these plans.
At The JBL Group we help clients take a step back from tactics and carefully plan a coherent strategy, based on business objectives to:
Define the problem and desired outcome
Explore all possible alternatives and consequences
Chart a course that makes sense
Determine optimal product pricing
Build a solid business case to convince payers of value of reimbursement
Prepare winning submissions for private and public payers
Implement and execute successfully